NHI Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program

What is Cognitive Rehabilitation?

A comprehensive intervention for patients with chronic diseases who are symptomatic and often have decreased daily activities. It is designed to reduce symptoms, optimize functional status, increase participation, and reduces health care costs through stabilizing or reversing systemic manifestations of the disease and tries to address morbidities and their consequences through education and exercise. Patients are encouraged to become more actively involved in their own health care, more independent in ADLs and less dependent on health professionals and expensive medical resources. Rather than focusing solely on reversing disease processes, rehab attempts to reduce symptoms and make individual more functional and restore function following an illness or injury, with the goal of maximizing a person’s ability to achieve fullest life possible
program provides you the best range of breathing exercises training, weight reduction treatment services, balance training exercises with their effective team of Master physiotherapist, nutritionist, wellness coach, saksham health workers under the personalised guidance of Dr Bose Rehabilitation tries to address morbidities and their consequences through education and exercise. Patients are encouraged to become more actively involved in their own health care, more independent in ADLs and less dependent on health professionals and expensive medical resources. Rather than focusing solely on reversing disease processes, rehab attempts to reduce symptoms and make individual more functional

Who can benefit?

Chronic Respiratory disease symptomatic with optimum drug therapy
Any patient with respiratory disease which has reduced their quality of life such as COPD, Chronic asthma, Interstitial Lung disease etc
Chronic Cardiovascular diseases with breathlessness despite optimum intervention and drug therapyLow ejection fraction with recurrent cardiac failures
Lifestyle disorders like Stress, obesity Especially patients who are deconditioned , into substance abuse Sleep disordered breathing like obstructive sleep apnoea and obesity hypoventilation

What is the possible benefits of program?

Improved Exercise Capacity
Reduced perceived intensity of dyspnoea
Improve health-related QO
Reduced hospitalization
Reduced anxiety and depression
Improved limb function
Benefits extend well beyond immediate period of training

What are the components of pulmonary Rehabilitation?

Exercise Training
Psychosocial/behavioral intervention
Nutrition assessment
Breathing techniques
Medications, devices & specific therapy
Outcome Assessment