Dharma is nota sampradaya, cult, path or mind created religion. Dharma is Guna , attribute, Nature has bestowed on every creation- matter and being.the Guna of salt is saltiness, it remains salty even it washed. A sandal wood tree has a unique fragrance , fruits have distinct flavours and juices.-
Power breath is a power yoga … true cleanser of Respiratory system Yoga is the Journey from illness to wellness , which takes you to your absolute Self, to your Soul, through your own Self, a 360 degree holistic approach , from physical, mental, emotional, environmental, social to cosmic wellness
Rest your biological clock and good sunshine and right melatonin in night is the key to enhance your natural immune system, Blue light through electronic gadgets is continuously disturbing our melatonin pathway creating a biological clock disturbances responsible for post covid consequences. Post covid planet is a challenge. We need
There is huge learning from this covid pandemics. Throughout the human history , there have been number of pandemics such as small pox, tuberculosis and Spanish flu.The most fatal pandemic inhistory is Black Death ( plaque) which killed approx 200 million people in 14 the century. Current pandemic covid 19,
Philosophical consultancy, also sometimes called philosophical practice or philosophical counseling or clinical philosophy, is a contemporary movement in practical philosophy. Developing since the 1980s as a profession but since the 1950s as a practice, practitioners of philosophical counseling ordinarily have a doctorate or minimally a master’s degree in philosophy and
People with severe asthma are often polysymptomatic with a variable frequency of non-respiratory symptoms. The majority of eligible patients respond well to biologic treatment. Two large studies found that 82–83% of patients are responders to omalizumab and two smaller studies found that 76–77% of patients are responders to mepolizumab.  There
Winter Pollution the price of prosperity…. Learn to Breathe Better and stay healthier The winter approaching , late rains, will winter will be same or worse this year in Delhi NCR?Late rains added lots of moisture in air coupled with winter cold air factors will make climate more smoggier and
Tuberculosis (TB) is an infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Tuberculosis commonly affects the lungs, but can also affect other parts of the body. It spreads from person to person through the air, when people who are infected with TB infection cough, sneeze or otherwise transmit respiratory fluids through the
Breath Better live longer… must for all in post covid eraIn this decade of of covid , lung health is key to success. Covid is not a simple infectious disease it’s an inflammatory disease, if you understand your respiratory system and practice daily lung healthy practices , you can stay
Post covid scenario is a new planet , if you are good at problem solving with good interpersonal skills with a stron* empathy, you will do good.can you think inside the box- be creative in a confined space- a skill you need in this crisis period.if so you are hired?.
We are going through the most difficult times in planet. When planet behaves unpredictability, it affects the mental health. Every man has his secret sorrows which the world knows not; and often times we call a man cold when he is only sad.” There are wounds that never show on