Winter Pollution the the price of prosperity
Winter Pollution the price of prosperity…. Learn to Breathe Better and stay healthier The winter approaching , late rains, will winter will be same or worse this year in Delhi NCR?Late rains added lots of moisture in air coupled with winter cold air factors will make climate more smoggier and less breathable this winter season.We know pollution sources do not change through the year; what changes in winter is the fact that cold air settles close to the ground, trapping toxins, and making us ill. The onset of winter also comes when farmers burn stubble in their fields after the harvest of rice and before they can sow the next wheat crop. It’s a deadly game of wind, ventilation and moisture.This year, respiratory viruses like the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) and especially flu viruses will make it even worse as the virus attacks our airways as the weather becomes humidifier and Heavier .
Viruses thrive wonderfully in this combination of smoke and fog .We are doubly at risk, partly because of winter smog and mainly because of high proliferation of respirable viruses. People at extremes of ages are vulnerable and those with co morbidities like Asthma, COPD, heart diseases, Diabetes Mellitus and on immunosuppressants are at an added risk. Clean air, blue skies were lock down phenomenon, Because everything was shut. Things are different now especially this winter. sudden exposure to high particulate pollution especially after a prolonged lock down exposure will creat a sudden load on the respiratory systemIt So, let’s get real.In my assessment, factors are against us; cold air, humidity, late rains and sudden exposure to high level aerosols.Supreme Court’s mandate, the Radio Frequency Identification Device (RFID) at key entry points into the city is being implemented to enforce payment of congestion tax by heavy-duty vehicles. This is a deterrent so that only those vehicles that need to enter the city do so. As a result of these two measures, traffic entering the city has reduced from 40,000 daily vehicles to some 4,000.
Then the Delhi government has taken the bold step to ban all polluting fuels, including coal in furnaces, across the city. It has incentivised the transition to piped
natural gas. In the neighbouring states — part of the same airshed — the key action has been to crack down on brick-kilns, which were not using zigzag technology for improved combustion and reduced emissions. In addition, city and municipal governments across the region have somewhat stepped up vigilance over dust sources like roads, construction sites and burning of garbage. But as I see it, the gains are not good enough ,viral aerosols linger in the air as they are lighter and float .Aerosol virions (virus particles) expelled by the patients can circulate in poorly ventilated spaces. Anyone breathing in them can get the viral load. The time spent in such spaces is also directly proportional to air quality and crowding.Aerosols can sneak into heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems and are subsequently spread from recirculated air. Metro trains and stations rely on air-conditioning. Special attention must, thus, be paid to minimise aerosol spread by ensuring ventilation .
“watch out for viral and other particulate aerosol transmission and minimise exposure burden”A.Steps to reduce the aerosol burden
* Avoid crowded spaces with too many people hanging around
* Minimise talking, singing, shouting, exercise and dancing in crowded areas
* Avoid places with poor Qwality of air
* Nurture Biodiversity
* Use high emission oxygen indoor plants
* Use good circulation of air at home and open doors and windows twice a day
* Get good ultra violet exposure of your bed and linens
* If you have pets don’t allow them to mingle them in beds , don’t cuddle as dander allergy is bad for respiratory system
* Regular Vacuuming of rooms are important
* Minimise particulate indoor pollution by using hep-a filters
B. Steps to Reduce individual sensitisation1. Take five seeds in the morning
high protein seeds are good to enhance your metabolism( chia , black gram, walnut, peanut, millets)
2. Take jaggery ,it is rich in iron and a immune booster ( not recommended in diabetic patients)
3.Take a platter of three veggies and citrus fruits ( Tomato , rich in lycopene, Carrot, rich in beta carotene, Broccoli rich in lung surfactant,Amla ,rich in Vit C, Orange rich in Vit C , Plums or Guava or chillies , rich in nutrients and Vit C ) blende rise and make a smoothy without water , add dash of lemon, mint and Little Rock salt , gulp it in mid morning , a true respiratory rejuvenator and immune booster)
4.Black tea gargle cleanses throat and reduces viral load, twice a day morning and before bed time
5. Nasowash or Jal Neti is an unique Vedic way to clean nose and sinus passages must for all, once a day preferably in first half of the day
6. Steam inhalation with tea bag is an unique technique to clean sinus passages, twice a day during smog times
7. Bhastrika breathing technique cleanses the particulate load in upper respiratory passage, once a day after after steam and nasowash
8. Those who are asthmatics they should step the dose of preventive inhalers and must meet their consultants to adjust the inhaler dosages
9. Diabetics should work harder to keep ideal glycemic index, HBA1 C ,around 6 )
10. All extremes of ages, asthmatics, diabetics and cardiac and patients on immune suppressants must take their annual flu vaccination
11. Regular brisk exercises during sunshine must to improve metabolism and immune system
12. Avoid walk during early morning or late evening as smog transmission and exposures are high
13. Take your regular calcium and weekly vitamin D3 if you are above 50 or those who are highly home bound)So dear friends follow these basic rules to enhance your immune system and avoid unnecessary particulate exposure and be preventive and proactive in this winter in Delhi NCR. NB: Top ten oxygen enriching indoor plants1. Money plants2. Peace Lilly3. Snake plants4.
Spider plants5. Areca palm6. Galbera Daisy7. Weeping fig, ficus8. Aloe Vera9. Tulsi10. Ferns